Glastonbury Pilgrim Reception Centre Manager and Co-founder Morgana West (sixth from right, front row) spent the weekend of Imbolc (31st Jan - 2nd Feb) at Ammerdown, a beautiful Christian Retreat and Conference Centre near Bath and open to people of all faiths and none with a special emphasis on dialogue, reconciliation and renewal.
Writers, Leaders, Founders and Movers & Shakers within the Christian and Pagan communities had been invited by Ammerdown to join together and converse with the intention of building bridges between differences in celebration of their common love of the Earth.
Morgana says;
"Myths on both sides were explored and dispelled, insights were made and new-found respect and understanding blossomed. Warm friendships were forged out of the common bonding; new relationships were developed."
"Imbolc belongs both to the Goddess and to St Brigid. I have always felt that Brid's evolution from Goddess to Saint linked Pagan and Christian traditions in the same way as the Cauldron of Cerridwen and the Holy Grail were combined in Arthurian legend and that she acts as a bridge between the two worlds; successfully making the transition back to Goddess again for many people and with most of Her traditions retained."
"To attend this historic event, especially at Imbolc, has been an honour. It was pure nourishment for my soul, unique in that it was something that could ONLY be done by Christians AND Pagans. At the simple closing ceremony in the chapel we gathered around the Brid/Brigid altar. I offered up a prayer asking that after we had all parted and returned to our own worlds, Brid's light might shine brightly from within us all encouraging harmony, understanding and tolerance between people of all faiths and beliefs."
Writers, Leaders, Founders and Movers & Shakers within the Christian and Pagan communities had been invited by Ammerdown to join together and converse with the intention of building bridges between differences in celebration of their common love of the Earth.
Morgana says;
"Myths on both sides were explored and dispelled, insights were made and new-found respect and understanding blossomed. Warm friendships were forged out of the common bonding; new relationships were developed."
"Imbolc belongs both to the Goddess and to St Brigid. I have always felt that Brid's evolution from Goddess to Saint linked Pagan and Christian traditions in the same way as the Cauldron of Cerridwen and the Holy Grail were combined in Arthurian legend and that she acts as a bridge between the two worlds; successfully making the transition back to Goddess again for many people and with most of Her traditions retained."
"To attend this historic event, especially at Imbolc, has been an honour. It was pure nourishment for my soul, unique in that it was something that could ONLY be done by Christians AND Pagans. At the simple closing ceremony in the chapel we gathered around the Brid/Brigid altar. I offered up a prayer asking that after we had all parted and returned to our own worlds, Brid's light might shine brightly from within us all encouraging harmony, understanding and tolerance between people of all faiths and beliefs."