Pilgrimage and Glastonbury
Pilgrimage is a journey with purpose to pilgrim places, most often by foot. People across the world have made pilgrimage in every historical era. To turn a walk into a pilgrimage, set your 'intention' at the beginning – dedicate your journey to something that you want help with, or for which you want to give thanks. The practice of pilgrimage is open to all and connects you with yourself, others, nature and everything beyond. The British Pilgrimage Trust
Going on pilgrimage to and around Glastonbury is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and sense the underlying unity of all things. Sit under a tree in contemplative silence. Or on a bench at the many viewpoints along the route and simply enjoy the beauty and magic of the 'the Isle of Avalon', a place of history, myth and legend.
Often thought of as a Christian practice, pilgrimage is in fact almost a universal process amongst all religions. Examples of the more well-known sites are Lourdes (Christian), Mecca (Islam), Nepal (Buddhism) and Benares (Hindu). In recent years, this practice of pilgrimage has spread beyond the confines of established religion with contemporary travellers of every belief travelling to sites they hold as sacred. The destination of the 21st century pilgrim is usually a place given prominence by significant events, the shrine of a saint or other notable figure or a remarkable geographical feature.
As a Medieval Christian centre of pilgrimage, Glastonbury is still recognised today by annual pilgrimages of the Anglican and Catholic churches, but these are one-day events and perhaps not typical of the classic pilgrimage of the Middle Ages. Alongside the Christian pilgrimages, individuals and groups from a wide variety of faiths and beliefs are drawn to Glastonbury.
Regardless of our backgrounds, and our intention and plans behind making pilgrimage, we all have common bonds in the process of the spiritual journey that is 'A Pilgrimage to Glastonbury'.
Let's take a look at what links us together
The Glastonbury Unity Candle

Why not call into the Centre and sit with the Glastonbury Unity Candle for awhile? You could also obtain your own and ask the Companion on duty if you could light it from the Mother Candle which resides in its own special space in the Centre. On your return home, your candle will allow you to continue making a connection to Glastonbury and remind you of all the things you experienced and learned.
Pilgrimage | Pilgrimage and Glastonbury | Pilgrimage routes to Glastonbury | Spiritual Crisis | Taking Care of Glastonbury and the Environment | A pilgrims' journey - A walk across time to Glastonbury | A Pilgrims' Journey - The Road to Peace Pilgrimage into Glastonbury